The FISEC-FICEP-Summer-Games take place every two years, the FISEC-FICEP-Winter-Games every four years. These competitions are organised by the member countries. Besides theFISEC-FICEP Games bi- or multilateral competition contests take place in some kinds of sports.

FICEP-FISEC Games 2024

The FICEP-FISEC Games 2024 will take place from 15th of July until 21th of July in Bucarest/Romania hosted by our FICEP member CSR under the lead of Claudiu Roznovsky.

Find all the information to the games on:

General Programm

FISEC-FICEP Games 2023

took place from 10 to 16 July in Dunkerque. UGSEL, the French Federation of school sports in private education hosted the Games.

Pictures 2023